

Drama Workshop
Drama Workshop
Words in the Wild
Words in the Wild
Debating Experience
Debating Experience
Voice & Drama
Voice & Drama

Debate & Public Speaking with Debating Society Leader


English Teacher at London Prep


Leader of Debating Society

Course Ideas


Develop & hone skills for debate: your child will be guided through the process of bullet pointing a strong argument & delivering this will eloquence & flair, whilst learning to listen to the points of others & respond effectively. Great for interview preparation & persuasive writing for English & history.

Interview Practice

Start thinking early about one of the most important parts of the entrance assessment process. This course will draw out & develop your child’s inner confidence, cultural & current affairs awareness, interests, talents & reading habits, while working on their personal presentation skills.

Presentations & Speeches

With a focus on rhetoric & delivery, this course will guide your child through the process of writing a presentation or speech, & techniques for giving this in front of a small or large audience. Great for assemblies, school projects, TED-style talks, & confidence.

Debate & Public Speaking with Debating Society Leader



English Teacher at London Prep


Leader of Debating Society

Course Ideas


Develop & hone skills for debate: your child will be guided through the process of bullet pointing a strong argument & delivering this will eloquence & flair, whilst learning to listen to the points of others & respond effectively. Great for interview preparation & persuasive writing for English & history.

Interview Practice

Start thinking early about one of the most important parts of the entrance assessment process. This course will draw out & develop your child’s inner confidence, cultural & current affairs awareness, interests, talents & reading habits, while working on their personal presentation skills.

Presentations & Speeches

With a focus on rhetoric & delivery, this course will guide your child through the process of writing a presentation or speech, & techniques for giving this in front of a small or large audience. Great for assemblies, school projects, TED-style talks, & confidence.


Drama Workshop
Drama Workshop
Words in the Wild
Words in the Wild
Debating Experience
Debating Experience
Voice & Drama
Voice & Drama